About Me

Rachel is a creative- and analytical-minded aspiring marketing professional with a passion for communicating science and technology in an engaging and accessible fashion. Originally from Hong Kong, she strives to create culturally versatile content for worldwide audiences. Pursuant to this goal, she is currently studying Public Health and Communication as an undergraduate student at the University of California, San Diego.

From a project’s inception to the finale, Rachel utilizes her cross-cultural understanding and experiences to form deeper connections with others and think of ways to present content in culturally versatile ways. Her upbringing in Hong Kong and education in the United States have instilled in her the flexibility and adaptability that’s needed to succeed in any role.

In her work, Rachel channels her analytical mind to organize her tasks and thoughts into actionable steps with clear metrics of success to assess her performance and streamline task completion. Complementing this, Rachel harnesses her creativity to devise media strategies and tell stories that engage, vitalize and captivate diverse audiences.

Outside of work and school, Rachel enjoys running and hiking, exploring new brunch spots, and reading and writing. Her current passion project is developing a science & technology website with her brothers: The Great Nodes of China.

Let's get in touch

If you want to get in touch with me about a project, opportunity, or just want to chat, send me a message!

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